Well, I am writing this blog actually feeling pretty peaceful in my discernment. Things are very busy right now, so maybe it is a good thing that my discernment is peaceful. I am continuing to pray the Liturgy of the Hours and trying to pray more each day.
With the semester almost half over next week, it is scary how fast time is flying by. After this year I only have one year left at C-N! That is crazy! Not bad, but crazy! As I look where I stand now academically and looking to possibly going to the seminary.....it scares me! I am not a bad student. I am probably a "c" or "b" student, but with the classes I have now and the classes I would have at seminary.....wow!
I know seminary is not easy for anyone and I geuss that is part of the formation, it not being easy. Learning Latin scares me. I can't even learn Spanish right now. All the philosophy classes scare me too, especially St. Aquinas (an amazing guy!, but hard to understand!). I struggle enough as it is in college and I can only imagine seminary!
I am immediately reminded however of St. John Vianney, who is actually the patron saint of priests. When he was in seminary he struggled really hard with his classes, especially in Latin. Most people at his seminary did not think he would make it through, but turns out he did! Even though he wasn't the best at his studies, God still lead him through them and he turned out to be an amazing priest. A priest of humility and discipleship. He was known for spending entire days in confession, absolving people of their sins. Of course, after he died he was canonized and is the patron saint of priests.....how amazing! God still used him and his weaknesses!
I think I worry about seminary because I struggle a little bit now in college. But, I guess it is a valid concern. I really liked this picture because the look on this seminarians face recalled how I feel inside sometimes thinking about seminary. A look of total awe, of being totally scared, of total excitement..etc. etc. All these emotions running through. It scares me that I must put my faith in Christ and trust if it is His will, He will get me through seminary. I know priests sacrifice a lot, but even entering into the seminary alone you are sacrificing a lot. It scares me and at the same time excites me!
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