It is so hard to believe that it has been almost a year since I made my Proclamation of Faith! It amazing how much has happened in my life since then too. I recall Deacon Jim saying before the Easter Vigil that it was not the end, but just the beginning of the journey.
I first recall the friends in my life who have been there for me. It amazes me how great friends are and I am so thankful that I am able to have the friends I have. I know I get on their nerves and they do mine, but we love each other and that's what matters.
I also recall my struggles. I can't help but remember that it is our struggles that model us into who we are. I do have to say I agree. As hard as it is to rejoice in times of struggle, they really are moments of joy, because in the end I will be who God made me to be. It's funny the different array of struggles I have been through in the past year. I am pretty darn sure I have struggled with something in about every subject in life. Through Holy Spirit and the nourishment of Christ I have made it through them this past year, just as I will continue to do this next year.
I am so thankful for the Catholic Church. I am constantly blown away by how truly amazing the Church is. Only through the Holy Spirit can the Church function the way it does and also remained united as the living, breathing Body of Christ. I am thankful for Pope Benedict, the bishops, and all the clergy for their direction and guidance. I am very thankful for the Communion of Saints and their constant intersessions on mine and our behalf.
I really don't know where I am going in life at this point. I don't know if the priesthood is what I am called to or not, but I am currently praying that if it is, I will be able to accept God's will. All I know at this point is I am thankful for the Church for setting me on track and keeping me on track with Christ. I am so blessed and thankful and rejoice that God has called me by name to be part of his Catholic Church.