Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Anointing of the Sick & My Discernment

So tonight I was serving at Mass with Father Joseph and after Mass he had an Anointing of the Sick were he anointed a deacon who is having surgery tomorrow. I participated in a few Anointing of the Sick, but it was because I had attended Mass. This was the first one I have experienced as an Alter Server.

Thinking back to my first Anointing of the Sick I witnessed was at St. Patrick's about a year ago. The women being anointed was a little old woman. I didn't know her, but I remember sitting there with tears running down my cheek. I remember thinking how amazing is it that a priest is able to help someone in such a unique way. Only a priest can assist, comfort, and support someone in such a profound way. That was probably the first time I realized how, as a priest, I could help people in such a unique and eternal way.

As I stood in front of the altar tonight with Father Joseph at my side and the deacon being anointed and his wife sitting in the front roll. The sacrament went just like usual. Nothing crazy new, but it was one of the most amazing feelings as far as my discernment of the priesthood goes. I think because there I was in my cassock and surplice and was from a different perspective than the last few times. I was actually doing something physical to help this guy like Father was by anointing him and laying hands on him. But, inside I felt like I was comforting him and his wife because I was there as a server and representing the Church. I felt like I was showing him that the Church loves him and cares about him and most importantly God loves him. It was amazing feeling like I was making a difference and not just because I actually did something, but just being able to pray and represent the Church.

I know all this sounds kind of odd and maybe random, but it was a point where I recalled how much I want to help others and how priests are able to impact peoples lives in such a huge way and more importantly Jesus is able to impact lives through the priests. I know there are other ways to serve people, but this is the way I feel a calling towards. This kind of stuff brings me true joy and happiness. Being on the altar feels like home. I think it is just amazing how a priest is truly a father to so many people. I too want to be a father to people.

Sorry if this blog doesn't make since, but I am writing this and also talking with some friends. But, that's all for now.

Also, this picture is amazing! The altar server is the one on the left. Ofcourse, I didn't actually get to kneel and stuff, but in my heart I did feel like this server in the picture.