Sunday, July 29, 2007

Prayer- Not enough Our Father's...

I have come to a realization that I do not prayer enough, okay, no where near enough. I usually do a better job of prayer when I am at school and I struggle more with it in the summer because I am so busy at work. Either way, there is no excuse.

Yesterday's Gospel was when Jesus taught the disciples how to pray. One thing I find interesting and well amazing is when Jesus said, "pray like this: Our Father...," when he says father he literally says abba (daddy). First off, I can only imagine what the disciples where thinking when they hear Jesus asking them to address God as daddy. Second, how amazing is it that we can call God daddy. Our relationship with God is so intimate that he allows us to call him daddy. Thinking about this recalls the image of a little boy on his daddy's lap, while his daddy rocks him.

Another amazing thing is not only can we call God daddy, but we can also call Mary our mother. Every time I think of Mary our mother I think of a Madonna and Child picture with Mary holding the baby Jesus. Just as she cared for Jesus, she too cares for us. She is our intercessor to Jesus and she wants to lead us to Him. Before coming Catholic and even after, I really did not grasp this idea of Mary helping us and praying for us and still today I do not grasp it entirely just as no one else does. But, since I started where a scapular to show my devotion to Mary I have begun to see what people mean when they say she is our mother. I don't really have a lot of words to explain it, because I am still in awe. But I have definitely found a few Hail Mary's followed by some Our Father's really makes a difference!!! Pax Tecum!